Whether it's reading, studying, working... A Study Lamp is ideal to provide proper lighting and avoid unpleasant shadows. In the following post you will find...
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When we get with the lighting of the home we jump some doubts, such as, for example, What is the temperature of the light that I have to use in each room? In...
We know that the living room is more than a stay in our home, it is the place where we spend more of our time. How do you know it's properly lit? In this...
As you know, in iluxiform.com we are specialists in lighting and now in summer we will give you some tips on how to get a correct outdoor lighting.
Air Purifiers guarantee the total cleaning and disinfection of the air in enclosed spaces, such as homes, offices, etc. It easily eliminates viruses and...
The bedroom is not only a sleeping room. In it you can perform various activities, such as reading, getting dressed every morning, making the bed, etc. In...
As published by the press recently, the cost of the electricity bill has doubled in the last twelve years for Spanish consumers. For this reason, more and...